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The aim of the project Restart You Life and Thrive – Innovative Models for Sustainable Local Living was to strengthen ties between and among actors who devote their work to fostering the social and solidarity economy. Some of them have been already cooperating, some have just started or are planning to. It does not matter whether someone is a practitioner, member of an NGO or some informal initiative, researcher or activist, the specific perspective of each of them can enrich others, inspire them and help them to find an answer to their problem. The building of stronger ties between these actors also reinforces their position in the economic and political sphere, which is crucial if the new approach to the development policies is to be applied.
Unfortunately, the pandemic situation changed our plans and the envisioned regional conference and several working visits could not take place. Some of the planned networking and experience transfer was not possible to organise, but each of the project partners selected several interesting and illustrative cases of the social and solidarity organisations and initiatives, and elaborated them into the form of good practice examples. They are recorded in the publication. Other examples can be found in the articles. There is never enough inspiration which can lead us to reshaping our communities, economy and politics to make them more socially and environmentally just.
More case studies on social and solidarity economy enterprises and initiatives from the Visegrad countries can be found in the publication from Utopia's previous project "INECON" funded by the IVF:

The project is co-financed by the Governments of Czechia, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia through Visegrad Grants from International Visegrad Fund. The mission of the fund is to advance ideas for sustainable regional cooperation in Central Europe.
Fundacja EkoRozwoju/Foundation for Sustainable Developmentfer.org.pl
Profilantrop Egyesület/Profilantrop Association
Ekumenická akademie, z. s./Ecumenical Academy